Art Museum of Prykarpattia.

Address: 8 Andrey Sheptytsky Square, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Phone: +380342530039, +380342776511
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The Museum of Arts of Prykarpattia is a rich treasure trove of fine and folk art of the region. Currently, the 15,000-strong museum collection includes unique monuments of Galician iconography and Baroque sculpture, including 5 sculptures by Pinsel; works by the classics of Western Ukrainian painting – Kornil Ustianovych, Ivan Trush, Yaroslav Pstrak, Julian Pankevych, Oleksa Novakivskyi, Osyp Sorokhtei, and Olena Kulchytska; works by Ukrainian artists of the 2nd half of the twentieth century, as well as works by Polish, Austrian, German and Italian masters of the 17th and 19th centuries. The most valuable exhibits of the museum’s collection are on display in the museum’s exhibition hall. It features iconography of the region dating back to the 15th and 19th centuries, baroque plastic works by Johann Gaspar Kohlert, John Georg Pinsel, Matthias Poleiowski, Dionysus Stanetti, paintings by Federico Barocci, Guido Reni, Francesco Trevisani, Michaela Scotti. A significant part of the museum’s collection consists of works of folk art, in particular, artworks by masters of the Hutsul, Pokuttia, Boikivshchyna, and Opillya regions.